The Ezer Co.

Creating spaces for police wives to do life together.
Have you been looking for a space to do life with other police wives? Somewhere to go for encouragement, fun, and to make friends who get you without fear of ridicule or rejection? Welcome to The Ezer Co.
The Ezer. Co. is a NonProfit organization that is all about creating spaces for police wives to do life together. We do this by hosting hangouts which usually take place once a month at fun locations all over the greater Seattle area and that are attended by spouses representing departments all over Washington state. In the past we’ve met up for coffee, shared brunch together, made flower bouquets, celebrated Galentines, Friendsgiving, and even Friendsmas. These spaces are authentic, safe, intentional, and consistent. We want you to walk away feeling encouraged and like you’ve found a place where you belong. Show up to any event that works for you! For more information, follow us on Instagram or send us an email!